The Working Families Party Supports Berky in Her First Run
On June 4, 2015, Jennifer Schwartz Berky was notified by the Working Families Party that they endorse her candidacy for Ulster County Legislature. A week prior, she attended the "Justice Works" Conference in Albany to participate in the Wellstone Training for progressive candidates where she met many people who are dedicating their lives to "a society where we all do better, where government and the economy work for every person, not just the rich, and where justice is something shared by everyone." She is honored by the support of the Working Families Party.
Jennifer Schwartz Berky is Widely Endorsed Again
In her first term, Berky has built many strong working relationships with groups in Kingston and throughout Ulster County. Her active involvement in community affairs, her attentive contribution to her legislative committees and caucus, and her tireless advocacy for her constituents is evident in several repeat endorsements and a few new ones. In addition to the Democrats of Ulster County and Kingston, she was endorsed again by the Working Families Party, who named her one of their 150 national "champions" for her strong support of human, civil, and workers rights. The Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation (AFL-CIO) has also endorsed her again. She also welcomes two new endorsements by Citizen Action of New York and Ulster People for Justice and Democracy. "These endorsements mean to world to me," says Jennifer, "because these groups are the very soul of democracy."