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Berky has worked for over 30 years as a professional in the fields of architecture, urban planning, environmental protection and economic development.  She has also volunteered for many years with several organizations in Kingston.  During her first term and in her years of pubic service, she has written policies, legislation, and proposals that have moved our city and county forward. She believes that we need to: 
  • create more quality, living wage jobs for our community by investing in local businesses
  • keep money in our community to strengthen our tax base by improving our tax distribution and exemption policies
  • foster a safe, healthy environment for our families, and
  • cultivate the rich culture that generates employment and equitable development for Kingston. 
Most of all, she has advocated for respectful dialogue,  unite and work together as one community. With three decades of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate complicated governmental agencies, and create policies to get things done."  For more, see 


Sustainable Economic Development for All

Improve Tax Distribution and Exemption Policies
Small companies are creating the most jobs across America and in the Hudson Valley, while large companies have long been on the decline.  The most successful economic development strategies support the needs of small and micro-businesses.  What these companies need most is access to low-interest capital and technical assistance such as entrepreneurship training, help with business planning, and support services for day-to-day business administration.
As a founding member and board member of Re>Think Local, a Mid-Hudson network of the nation-wide Business Alliance for Living Local Economies, I support the backbone of our regional economy: small businesses that provide a living wage, equity, and quality of life for their employees.
Leaving A Clean, Safe Environment for Our Children and Their Future

Our natural environment is our greatest asset for our health and well-being.  It is also a major attraction for tourism to our area.  For many years, I have worked on environmental policies, plans and projects to support a clean environment and active recreation opportunities for Kingston and Ulster County. These include my role as the author of the Ulster County Open Space Plan, the Kingston Tidal Waterfront Flooding Task Force, the Kingston Climate Action Task Force and the Rail Trail Committee of the Kingston Land Trust. 


As a member of the Ulster County Legislature, I will bring my knowledge of funding sources and policies to continue creating great recreational opportunities and support environmental protection for our beautiful community. 

Supporting Great Education and Culture to Help Us All Thrive
We are very fortunate to have good schools and a rich cultural and arts community in Kingston.  These contribute a great deal to our local economy.  
Quality Education
As a visiting lecturer at local colleges, a parent in the Kingston City School District, and a founder/trustee of a scholarship program and the Kingston Library, I am an active participant in our community's education system.  I have worked with the Alliance for Quality Education to facilitate dialogue with the State Education Department to benefit our schools.  The quality of Kingston's schools is an attraction for people who want to invest their lives in our communities.  I will continue to work to ensure that the City of Kingston, its school district and Ulster County government work together to support a great school system here.
An Arts District for Midtown
I have supported the creation of an arts district in Kingston since I began working as a planner at Ulster County government and with numerous arts organizations in Kingston.  There are over 100 arts districts in the United States that demonstrate how support for the arts with specific, place-based policies can have a powerful impact on economic development in communities.  I support the designation of Midtown as an arts district and will continue to support it as a citizen, legislator, and urban planning professional.
As a member of the Kingston Historic Preservation Landmarks Commission, I support a diverse culture that is very distinctive and important to Kingston.  Our city is a cultural mecca and I will continue to contribute to its success through the county legislature.  When I worked at for county government, I was instrumental several years ago to the creation of the Ulster County Cultural Services & Promotion Fund and economic development programs that continue today to support promotion of arts and cultural activities that add to the economy and quality of life. 
Create More Quality, Living Wage Jobs
Kingston deserves to be represented and served by leaders who work to unite our city -- even as diverse people with many different ideas -- so we can move forward with unity and strength. I pledge to show respect for all ideas and opinions.  As Benjamin Frankin said: "If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately."
Keeping Money in Our Community

When we provide tax incentives for companies to grow in our community, we and they should guarantee that they will give back, treat their employees with equity, and make a commitment to put down roots and stay, even after the tax benefits run out.  As your legislator, I will work to make sure that our economic development programs carefully evaluate all incentive agreements and support only those companies that have a proven benefit for our community.  I will also advocate for the reform of state tax giveaways that may increase the burden in our communities.


As the Planning and Policy Advisor to, I worked to help Kingston avoid a major tax liability through the Start-Up New York program, which the State Comptoller's office recently found "was not able to effectively quantify and assess tangible outcomes" despite spending over $200 million to date to generate fewer than 90 jobs across the state.  



"Legislators must commit fully to public service.  

I am dedicated to informed  decision-making and respectful dialogue so we can achieve the best outcomes for our community."

Here are her main goals for Kingston, which she backs up with solid experience:
NEW! Legislator Berky was interviewed by Will Baylies of WKZE Radio on October 11, 2017. Listen here.
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